Case Study


Royce Metal Products Limited founded in 1926 and located in Toronto, Ontario manufactures precision parts and products for the global aerospace industry.

Business growth and competition elevated the need for greater efficiencies throughout all departments. With hundreds of orders at different states of completion at any given time, Royce needed a solution that offered a complete view of their organization.

The Allaris Solution:

  • Eliminated the existing paper-based order fulfillment process and the costly errors of duplicate data entry
  • Ensured consistent communication and information flow across all departments
  • Provided access to legacy plus real-time data and illustrated it in a meaningful way

The functionality and integration between Allaris and ACCPAC Advantage Series has given Royce a system that is powerful, versatile and expandable with features such as:

  • Real-time access to customer information and critical business information
  • Managers have real-time insight into all operations of the company
  • Employees can view the status of orders from beginning to end
  • All company information is stored in one system, saving employee’s valuable time when looking for information
  • Royce has achieved an average of 58% productivity gains across multiple departments by automating processes such as; order entry, procurement, shipping, receiving, invoicing and reporting.
To stay competitive in today’s market and maintain a high level of customer service, we needed to automate our company processes to effectively manage the financial, operational and manufacturing activities of our business. The Allaris solution has exceeded all of our expectations.
— Ron R | Royce Metal Products
After Allaris
Time Savings
Management16 hours / day8 hours / day50%1920 hrs / yr
Quality Control8 hours / day4 hours / day50%880 hrs / yr
Order Entry4 hours / day20 minutes / day92%880 hrs / yr
Shipping4 hours / day3 hours / day25%240 hrs / yr
Receiving4 hours / day2 hours / day50%480 hrs / yr
Invoicing2 hours / day20 minutes / day83%400 hrs / yr
Bookkeeping10 hours / day5 hours / day50%1200 hrs / yr
Purchasing8 hours / day3 hours / day62%1200 hrs / yr
Total Time Savings7280 hrs / yr
Total Cost Savings$182,000 / yr
  • Time is in man hours / mins
  • Data represents observed averages for
  • 1 month
  • over an 8 month period
  • Assumes 240 working days per year
  • Average wage is $25/hr